Real Hard Work is a Result of a Really Happy Mind

Acharya Prashant
5 min readJun 26, 2019


Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Happiness is the key to success, correct, but does happiness excludes hard work?

If happiness excludes hard work then all those who work hard surely must be very sad.

Can’t you work hard happily?

Can’t hard work emerge out of your joy?

“I’m so happy that I am working very hard.”

Or must you work hard only with a long face?

“I am so frustrated, that I am slogging.”

Since childhood we have been told about effort as a duty, hard work as an obligation, hard work as a result oriented investment.

“Work hard so that you can have dividends later on.”

But there is another kind of hard work, very energetic hard work, which arises from your happiness, which arises from your completeness, and it’s not result oriented. It’s like a herd of deer running in a jungle. It’s not that a tiger is chasing them (saving their life), and it’s not like they are running towards a grassland (driven by the desire to consume). They are just running and they are running terribly hard; you can’t catch them. Have you seen them? Must have at least seen the video recordings of animals running very-very fast in a jungle, of birds soaring high, it’s not necessary that they are hungry, they are just soaring high. They must have climbed to that height and that requires energy (work). They could have decided to sleep, why put in so much effort, why climb to that height? Why keep gliding? Why flap your wings?

They say, “No! I am happy, and so I am working hard.”

Our hard work is just labor, labor done to get results. And the results that you want, never really satisfy you. The proof is, that you want more. At no point do you stop and say that I have had enough. And because you want more, you have to put in more labor. So, in all your life you are just a laborer.

What can you do, you have worked hard only when you were afraid and sad, right? Somebody comes and pulls you up, “Exams are coming, you will fail”, and then you start working hard. So what is your engine? Sadness. The more sad you are, the harder you work. Is that not so? The more afraid you are, the harder you work, like a dog that is chasing you. Or like being chased by a dog. You don’t even know, how fast you can run. All you need is that rabid dog and you work so hard.

And when the world gets to know that, that is the way to get you to work hard, then only has to let some dogs loose after you. “Oh! She is not working hard? ‘Tommy!’ ”, and she starts working hard. Don’t let this become a habit, don’t let this be known that you can be made to work hard through pressure or frustration or sadness or fear. Otherwise you are giving the world a handle over you.

Remember, your best is expressed when you are joyful, when you are fearless. Do not get into the habit of working under pressure.

Be happy and run hard. How does that sound? Like somebody who jogs for pleasure.

Do you know what is the central problem that drives us to run hard? The central problem is that we have been made to feel small about ourselves. All your work emerges from demoralization! You have been made to feel dissatisfied about yourself since a very long time.

Family, society, education, religion all these have continuously told you that there is something missing in you, that there is something wrong about you and you must work hard to make up for it. You are not good enough as you are. You have been made to feel small, petty, inadequate. And you have been told that if you want to become something, if you want to gain any bit of worthiness, then ‘do’ something, work hard for it.

“You do not deserve my love if you do not get ninety percent or promotion in your office.” Even love is conditional!

I am saying this to you: fundamentally there is nothing small about you, there is nothing missing in you. All the diseases of life, all your unease, all your gossip, all your restlessness arise from this deep-rooted conditioning that there is something wrong and missing in you. Kindly get rid of that notion.

You are wonderful, perfect, beautiful. With all your inadequacies, you are still very beautiful. With all the layers of conditioning that you have, you are still wonderful.

A diamond may fall in the mud, but does that reduces its price? You are very, very valuable. But those who do not know their own diamond nature, they make everybody feel small.

In fact, there are only two kinds of people in the world. One who feel small, the other who feel complete and dance. The ones who keep feeling small about themselves, their only purpose in life is to make others feel small. The one who is afraid will necessarily spread fear around him. Have you not seen such people? Exams are approaching and she is shivering. So what does she do? She calls up five others. And what does she do to those five? Does she give them courage?

What does she do? The one who feels small, ends up making everybody feel small. Beware of such people. They might be very close to you, yet be extremely cautious of them.

How to know if someone is operating from a sense of completeness? How do you feel when you are with a person? Do you start feeling more and more inadequate, or do you gain a certain relaxation? That ‘presence’ will tell you.

Work hard out of a sense of completeness. And never allow others to make you feel small or incomplete. Be very particular about the company you keep; for nothing changes you better and faster than the right company.

Acharya Prashant regularly writes at and to connect closely with his teachings watch his YouTube videos at Official YouTube Channel or visit his website.

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