The real meaning of Vipassana.

Acharya Prashant
2 min readSep 12, 2019

‘Vipassana’ — ‘passna’ means watch. Watching is the real thing, not breath. Watch everything. Breath is a useful thing, because it is always with you. Therefore, easy to watch. But the breath is not at the center, watching is at the center.

‘Vipassana’ — watch.

But watching is out, breath is in!

What is the breath? Your relationship with the world. See how things are going in and coming out. See how you are absorbing the conditioning and see how you are shaping the world. That is what is meant by ‘ watching the breath.’

If you learn to watch, would you watch only breath? Breath is a reminder. Breath then becomes a token of the Guru. Breath is like then an alarm clock, somebody by a side to always nudge you — “Are you watching? Are you watching? Are you watching?”

You might do something, or not do something. But what is certain is, that you are always breathing.

So the breath is a reminder.

And it’s not only Buddha, Kabir constantly talks of watching the breath. Have you not heard of him constantly talking of ‘Saanson ki maala’( The necklace of breath)?

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