Realization sublimates the doer; the doing changes by itself

Acharya Prashant
18 min readJul 15, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): When a person has, after such a discussion, understood that this is what his situation is, what should he do after that?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Who is to do what? Who are you referring to?

Listener (L): Probably me, myself.

AP: Where is that?

When you say, “What am I to do?” I want to ask that ‘I’ — “Why don’t you know what to do?” But to talk to him, I first need to see his face. Where is he? Where is he? Who are you referring to, so seriously? “What should ‘I’ do?”

L: A bundle of the past.

AP: Yes. (Smilingly) Bring them here.

What is a machine to do? As if the question means anything. The machine will really do nothing, at most it will do what it is programmed to do. So what is the point in a machine asking, “What am I to do?” Or if this ‘I’ has any volition, really free will, any freedom of any kind, then bring it here. Let’s speak to it.

This ‘I’, really, is so weak, it starts hiding the moment you really look at it. Understand this. This that keeps clamouring within you, all the prattle and the babble, is being done by a very-very weak…

