Realize that you are in bondage

Acharya Prashant
2 min readMay 27, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

The more deeply and clearly you come to see that you are living in bondage, the more difficult would it be for you to continue supporting the bondage. Things will happen on their own. You won’t have to plan or think or come up with an idea. Even the ideation would be very much spontaneous. What is needed is the honest admission that there is a lot of bondage.

The admission has to be right from your core. It cannot be merely a matter of principle or general knowledge. It has to be as centrally arising from you as does your heartbeat. Your heartbeat governs everything in your system. Does it not?

Similarly, The realization that you are in bondage, must get on top of you. It must become your master. It must start dictating things. It must take control of you and make you do whatsoever is needed.

Realization cannot be some little thing. ‘Admission of bondage’ is such a major issue, that you cannot have it and push it aside. You cannot postpone the matter to be addressed some other day. You cannot relegate the admission to some corner of your life. It has to overwhelm you. It’s like discovering that your house is on fire.

The discovery takes control of you. The discovery becomes the paramount thing. All the other…

