Rejection of the false and living in the True are inseparable and concurrent

Acharya Prashant
11 min readJun 10, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): In western philosophy, I have heard about ‘Nihilism’, which says, “Whatsoever is there right away, will always be there.” So, if I have to frame it in a way, I would say, “This is it. It will always be like this.” And that is also why philosophers in the west have committed suicide, saying that there is no worth in life.

I have also heard you say, “This is it.” So I would like to know how this is different from what they have said because your words are more life-affirming.

Acharya Prashant (AP): Affirmation of the True and negation of the false are not two separate things. In fact, one cannot happen without the other. How can someone talk of something being empty of substance, empty of meaning, just an illusion, without first having a pre-intuitive, experience-less understanding of the Truth?

If only false exists, and you are asserting that only the false exists, then ‘who’ is asserting that the false is there? Are we saying that the false is interested in declaring itself to be false?

Yes, it is a sign of your discernment that you come up and say that something is not real, that something is simply dualistic…

