Running the same circle again and again will not take you beyond the circle

Acharya Prashant
5 min readOct 18, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Sir, there is a common notion that if I go about consuming things, then there would be a time when I will see the uselessness of these things. And ultimately this would help me to go to the other center, the immensity. I have a strong belief in that, though I do not know whether I am right or wrong. Would you please shed some light on this?

Acharya Prashant (AP): The man who is rushing towards his fiftieth round of consumption, is he in any way different from the man who is rushing towards his five hundredth round, and the man who is rushing towards his first round?

Listener 1: Not much, except that he will be more experienced.

AP: That experience means nothing. The forty-nine times have given him nothing. That is why he is rushing the fiftieth time. The man, who is rushing the five-hundredth time, is again standing at the very same level, because four hundred and ninety-nine times he has failed. That is why he is rushing the five-hundredth time.

Listener 1: Yes.

AP: You know, there is breathing, that happens continuously. It has a utilitarian role. You breathe, but you never think that…

