Saint Ravidas-Highness and Humility

Acharya Prashant
4 min readFeb 10, 2020

“Lord, if you are sandalwood, I am water;

with the fragrance in all parts of my body.

Lord, if you are a cloud, I am a peacock;

looking for you like the Chakor bird for the moon.

Lord, if you are a lamp, I am the wick;

with the light burning day and night.

Lord, if you are a pearl, I am the thread;

together like gold and suhaga.

Lord, you are the master and I servant;

thus is the devotion of Ravidas.”

“The company I keep is wretched and low,

and I am anxious day and night;

my actions are crooked,

and I am of lowly birth”

~ Saint Ravidas

Isn’t it strange? Saints and Gurus have, on the one hand, called themselves as inseparable from the Lord, the Truth. On the other hand, they have called themselves as reckless, stupid, impetuous, unfortunate and lowly. Obviously their lives are so pure and serene that there is no one as fortunate, supreme and enlightened like them, yet they often refer to themselves in a totally opposite way. Why?

