So concerned with what others say?

Acharya Prashant
2 min readJun 6, 2020

Questioner: Sir, my family keeps asking why I am never interested in doing general stuff. They keep asking what I want to do, and where I want to go. My reply to them always is, “I do not know.” I don’t want to do what I am doing, that I know. But I do not know what I want to do. This disturbs me a lot.

How can I get the concern of others get out of my mind?

Acharya Prashant: That’s alright. That is often how it begins. “This is not where I belong” — one has to be sure of that.

Q: They laugh at me, mock me. They say that if you do not know anything…..

AP: If you do not bother about so many things, why do you bother about ‘this thing’?

Remember that botheration is a choice. It is a value decision. You say, “I value the opinion others have of me.” It is not something natural, or spontaneous. It is a decision that you make.

And why must you decide to put value upon what he or she says?

If you will value to the utterances of all and sundry, how will you be able to value the words of Scriptures, or Saints, or Teachers?

You cannot equally value both.

When I was speaking to Lata (one of the members in the audience), I said that if you are not following my advice, surely you are following…

