The best way to meditate

Acharya Prashant
4 min readMay 29, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: How to meditate? Whenever I try to meditate, I get stuck with thoughts, relevant and irrelevant.

Acharya Prashant: Meditation is a huge myth!

Given what you are, you will continue doing what you are, even when you are ‘meditating’. Your act of meditation will be as per what you are because you are the one who decided to meditate. Meditation is your decision, so you are bigger than meditation. Even in the act of meditation, you will continue to be. You will continue to be, and the same patterns that exist otherwise will exist, maybe in changed forms, but will exist even during the process of meditation.

We often think that we have a choice. The ambitious man comes and asks, “Is it alright to be ambitious?” Now, even if I say, “No,” will he be able to drop his ambition? Because ambition is what he is; ambition is the very structure of his mind. And the mind will not commit suicide. The mind will not drop itself or kill itself on its own.

You do not really have a choice as long as you are the chooser. But you come and you ask a question assuming that you have a choice. You do not have a choice. Are you getting it?

