The desire that continues, and the desire that ends

Acharya Prashant
6 min readJul 30, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner (Q): Many of my friends say that optimal allocation of resources is the best way to achieve success. How can spirituality help us achieve the optimal allocation of resources so that we may achieve success easily?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Let’s say I am drunk and I am to allocate resources to ten of my priorities. There are ten channels in front of me each demanding resources, and I only have a finite sum with me to divide and allocate to each of them, and I am drunk. What will I do? I will probably allocate the lion’s share to the liquor vendor, no? I have ten thousand rupees and I have ten things to take care of. And in a drunken state, this is the kind of allocation I will do: out of the ten thousand rupees, I will probably allot eight thousand to liquor supply. You know what this discussion is going towards.

So, in any act, the actor comes first. In allocation, the allocator comes first. Spirituality is about purifying the actor, the allocator. If I am alright, then I will know my priorities and I will also know their relative importance because I will know the one thing that is of prime importance. Knowing that one thing, I will know everything else in the context of that one thing. If I know the Truth is very…

