The effect of spirituality on married life

Acharya Prashant
3 min readSep 20, 2019

A movement into oneself brings about a lot of new things. That which used to frighten you, does not appear so very frightening. That which would easily disturb you, appears a bit childish now. The tendency to lose equilibrium reduces. You do not easily go off-center. And even if you do, you return comparatively sooner. An urge to explore new things arises.

And there are many-many changes. Sometimes even the language changes. Sometimes even before you can realise that there is a change, outsiders begin telling you that there is a change.

These changes are all there.

And as you soak in those changes, as you revel in those changes, your appetite to revel in them further increases.

That’s all very auspicious, very good!

Regarding a couple practicing aloneness, the fact that the two of you are married comes later. First of all, the two of you are human beings. Two human beings, both with an urge towards the Truth, and both with a right over the Truth.

It is just incidental that these two are married.

If the two persons who are in this social arrangement of marriage are also spiritual friends, then they rise above social arrangement.

The social arrangement by itself is a recipe for disaster.

