The only thing worth keeping is the one that is unknown to you || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)

Acharya Prashant
37 min readMay 20, 2024

आविः संनिहितं गुहाचरन्नाम महत्पदमत्रैतत्समर्पितम् । एजत्प्राणन्निमिषच्च यदेतज्जानथ सदसद्वरेण्यं परं विज्ञानाद्यद्वरिष्ठं प्रजानाम् ॥

āviḥ saṃnihitaṃ guhācarannāma mahatpadamatraitatsamarpitam ejatprāṇannimiṣacca yadetajjānatha sadasadvareṇyaṃ paraṃ vijñānādyadvariṣṭhaṃ prajānām

Manifested, it is here set close within, moving in the secret heart. This is the mighty foundation and into it is consigned all that moves and breathes and sees. This that is that great foundation here, know it as the Is and Is not, the supremely desirable, greatest and the Most High, beyond the knowledge of creatures.

~ Verse 2.2.1

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Acharya Prashant (AP): This is a particularly rich verse. We will proceed through it part by part and with great attention.

“Manifested” — manifested on its own — “it is here set close within, moving in the secret heart.” Manifested — visible, apparent, perceptible. It is out there, and yet it is here set close within, moving in the secret heart.

The Rishi says, saṃnihitaṃ guhācarannāma ; it resides, moves in the cave of the heart, guhācarannāma , and that is when it is manifested all around, everywhere, up and down, right and…

