The path to your Highest potential || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)

Acharya Prashant
19 min readMay 6, 2024

तदेतदृचाऽभ्युक्तं क्रियावन्तः श्रोत्रिया ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः स्वयं जुह्वत एकर्षिं श्रद्धयन्तः । तेषामेवैतां ब्रह्मविद्यां वदेत शिरोव्रतं विधिवद्यैस्तु चीर्णम् ॥

tadetadṛcā’bhyuktaṃ kriyāvantaḥ śrotriyā brahmaniṣṭhāḥ svayaṃ juhvata ekarṣiṃ śraddhayantaḥ teṣāmevaitāṃ brahmavidyāṃ vadeta śirovrataṃ vidhivadyaistu cīrṇam

This is That declared by the Rig Veda. Doers of works, versed in the Veda, men absorbed in the Brahman, who putting their faith in the sole seer offer themselves to him sacrifice, to them one should speak this Brahman-knowledge, men by whom the Vow of the Head has been done according to the rite.

~ Verse 3.2.10

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तदेतत्सत्यमृषिरङ्गिराः पुरोवाच नैतदचीर्णव्रतोऽधीते । नमः परमऋषिभ्यो नमः परमऋषिभ्यः ॥

tadetatsatyamṛṣiraṅgirāḥ purovāca naitadacīrṇavrato’dhīte namaḥ paramaṛṣibhyo namaḥ paramaṛṣibhyaḥ

This is That, the Truth of things, which the seer Angiras spoke of old. This none learns who has not performed the Vow of the Head. Salutation to the seers supreme! Salutation to the seers supreme!

~ Verse 3.2.11

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Acharya Prashant (AP): Verse ten.

