The speck of dust and the sky, you are both

Acharya Prashant
4 min readFeb 7, 2020

Wisdom tells us we are not worthy; Love tells us we are. My life flows between the two.

~ Rumi

Kindly do not take these words to mean that wisdom and love are mutually exclusive. They are not. He is talking of the last dichotomy we live in. And that dichotomy is the difference, separation between our fact and our destiny, our life and our destiny, our periphery and our center, our performance and our potential.

This is the separation between the lover and the beloved.

We are two. We are the one who is all the time engrossed in littleness, doubts, fear, in separation, in time, in desires and anger. And then, we are also the one who knows very well that to be little and afraid, and shrunken is not destiny. That one is needlessly confining himself, so, we are two.

The speck of dust in the sky and the sky itself.

And none of them can be dismissed as false. How do you dismiss the daily facts of your life, how dismiss that you haggle over a few rupees, how to dismiss that one is suspicious of even his intimate ones, how to dismiss that there is nothing beyond doubt in one’s life, how to dismiss that nothing called immensity exists for us, and how to dismiss that the fear of death is always lurking close by.

