The unrealistic expectations of the ego from its self-created world

Acharya Prashant
3 min readNov 12, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: When I send Advait’s broadcasts to the world, the world sends me back some stupid videos and posters. That irritates me a lot. Though I delete them, yet I remain disturbed. What is this disturbance?

Acharya Prashant (AP): This disturbance is, your hope that your relationships are all not really false. You send out Advait’s videos or posters, and you hope that these would be appreciated. To whom have you sent these posters? To your own circle, right? And when your own circle then reacts in the ugliest of ways, then it hurts you. It hurts you because it proves that the quality of your relationships was bad. That is what hurts you.

“This fellow belongs to my circle, and he is reacting in this way. And even if today I may have gone beyond him, I am no longer behaving in an active relationship with him, yet till a few years back he used to be close to me.” And to receive an ugly reply from him is to be reminded of what you were a few years back.

Who were you?

The one who was actively friends with the same kind of people. That is the reason why their numbers are there in your phone directory. How deeply you have put yourself in the muck, is…

