There is no justification for the wrong choice

Acharya Prashant
2 min readJun 14, 2020

Everything that you call as being behind the choice is just a rationalisation, a justification for the choice.

There is nothing behind the choice.

There is just the choice.

If you say, “I chose the wrong path because of X,Y,Z,” then X,Y,Z is not real, it is just a rationalization. Forget X,Y,Z, all that matters is that you chose the wrong path. It’s a choice.

Are you getting it?

No situation is too bad to make a Right Choice in.

And no situation is so good that you no more need the Right Choice.

And the wrong choice — it can be made any time.

In good situation, in bad situation, in apparently easy situations, in apparently tough situations, anything can happen anytime, it’s a matter of your choice.

Which means that you have great power, you are tremendously powerful.

You can choose the ‘Right’ irrespective of the situation.

Which also means that you are potentially, incorrigibly awful.

You can choose the wrong in spite of all the Right situations.

Both these are there.

Great situations, you can still choose the wrong things. And

