To fight the smallness around, I will now have to fight the big names

Acharya Prashant
11 min readMay 9, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant (AP): (Continuing conversation with one of the listeners) In fact, just a few days back I was saying to somebody, that the first leg of the battle I have been fighting has been with the commoners.

I have talked so much about the society, I have talked about what happens within the family, I have talked about the forces of conditioning, media, this-that, social forces, your uncles and aunts, your neighbors, the education system, the school teachers, the college teachers — these are the people I have been talking about a lot.

Now I feel that the next battle will have to be against the big names.

Do you get this?

Because these small ones, the uncles and the aunts, and the school and college teachers, after all they are drawing their ideologies and beliefs from the big names. And as long as the big names are ‘big’, then there is no point fighting the small ones, because the small ones are anyway helpless. The small ones are saying, “We have nothing of our own. We just did what the gods told us. So if you want to liberate us, first go and fight the gods. We are just following.”

