We use words not to communicate, but to avoid communication

Acharya Prashant
3 min readApr 27, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: You said that assigning words means that we are giving a meaning to something. So is it that a desire to communicate or a need to communicate the perfect barrier towards attaining meaninglessness?

Acharya Prashant:

You do not communicate through words; you use words to avoid communication.

That is why when you are really communicating, then words become so peripheral. That is why those who are really listening will not be paying much attention to my words. I often tell my friends, simply keep forgetting what I am saying. Simply keep discarding what I am saying. If you are really listening, then you do not need my words. Words are just some kind of pretense. At best you can call them a vehicle. They are carrying something. Take what those words are carrying and leave the vehicle outside. Read the love letter and discard the envelope.

Why do we as humans get it so wrong? You ask this question only as long as you are getting it wrong. You ask for an answer. You ask for a cause. Every question beginning with a ‘WHY’ is a question demanding a reason, a cause. I give you an answer, the answer is a cause. Why did A happen, the cause is B Why did then B happen…

