What does the lazy Self want?

Acharya Prashant
3 min readAug 4, 2020

“The craving of a sluggard is a death of him because his hands refuse to work.”


Who is a lazy person? A lazy person is one who has a tremendous ego. Only the ego is lazy, and the ego is bound to be lazy. In what sense is the ego lazy?

Who is a lazy person? A lazy person is one who has a tremendous ego. Only the ego is lazy, and the ego is bound to be lazy. In what sense is the ego lazy?

Laziness means a refusal to do, a refusal to do the right thing, a refusal to change. Laziness means that one wants to remain where one is and as one is.

This laziness has been referred to as Tamsa in classical literature. One feels all right as one is whereas one actually not alright. It’s as if one is diseased but has also lost the capacity to feel pain, one is so diseased. There are diseases that don’t show up, why? Because the way a disease shows up is the way of the sensitivity of your neural system. If your neural system is itself diseased and incapable of feeling pain, then it’s a very fatal situation. You won’t even know that you are diseased, and you will continue to think that you are all right. And if someone comes to you and says — you want to change, brother? What you say — ‘go to hell.’ Why do you want to disturb me? I…

