What happens to ego tendencies after realization?

Acharya Prashant
3 min readMay 28, 2020

The tendencies remain.

The tendency of the eye to see remains. The tendency of the tongue to speak remains. The tendency of the body to eat, live, read, remains. But all those tendencies are sanctified by the touch of Truth.

When the lover is not there, then the house is a prison. When the lover comes, the house still remains, the walls still remain, but the same walls that were the walls of the prison, now are decorations, now are active canvases to be painted. The walls will remain, but their meanings will totally change.

You’d still move but now you would no more move about in desperation. Now you would move about dancing. You would still be attracted, but now the objects to which you are attracted would change. You still would touch, but now the quality of your touch would change.

Even the tendency to acquire, to achieve might be there but even the acquisition and achievement would now have a certain distinct aroma.

You may still weep. The tendency to feel bad, to experience sorrow might still be there but now even your tears would have a certain purity. You would not be crying for self-centered reasons. That great latent tendency, sexual attraction, that too will still be there, but now your touch will not be the touch of the butcher. It will really be…

