What if wrong is right?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readJul 3, 2020

It may be quite important to see that not only that which we call as wrong maybe rubbish but also that which appears right may also equally be rubbish.

If suppression appears wrong, expression is not the answer.

Our rights and our wrongs both arise from the same center, from the same evaluator, so moving from what appears to be wrong to what appears to be right would hardly ever bring us to silence.

The same faculty that decides that you’re wrong in a situation has also parallely in the same moment decided what would now be your definition of the right. In fact nothing has been left undecided, once you’ve decided what is wrong, now your rights are also well determined.

What is then common between right and wrong?

Both of them are determined by the same agency. Now, superficially if you stop doing the wrong and start doing right that appears like some change and this superficial change can also bring superficial contentment or pride or an enforced relaxation. One may feel that he is now in the zone of the right, one may feel that his life has changed earlier he was in darkness now he’s in light.

What one does not see is that which we call as light has already been defined by that which we call as darkness. These are simultaneous happenings, concurrent.

