What is disappearance of the self?
Your interest in your interests has to disappear. Your interests can remain. Can this brain survive without interests? Your lungs are greatly interested in Oxygen, and they reject Nitrogen. Can lungs survive without interests?
Let the interested one, remain interested.
‘You’ have no business to be interested.
The intellect is curious by design, the intellect will remain interested. Have you not seen kids, three year olds asking questions that grown-ups cannot answer. They will remain interested.
Let the intellect, the design of the brain remain interested.
‘You’ need not remain interested.
Let this physical system, including the brain apparatus remain curious, interested, inquisitive, whatever. Even attached.
‘You’ stay wherever you must.
Spirituality does not entail that the lungs must give up oxygen. Renunciation is not for the lungs, Sir. Do not stretch it to absurd limits. That will give you another excuse to stay away from spirituality.
You will say, “Baba ji was asking me to renounce oxygen. If I have to have no relation with the world, why must I even breathe?” Because breathing is the continuous relationship with the world, and seeing is the continuous relationship with the…