What is meant by ‘Oneness with all’?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readSep 25, 2019

Listener: What is the meaning of: meeting the other person with Oneness?

Acharya Prashant:

Meeting the other person with Oneness, does not imply — being one with the other ‘person’. It means — you are one within, even as you look at the diverse world of many-ness, spread in space around you.

Outside you might be fragments, distinctions, numbers, diversities, within is no such fragmentation.

How does fragmentation arise within?

It arises within, when the within becomes a mirror of the without.

If that which is outside you, gains a part of you, then you get divided.

Take this, right now.

Here is me. If you take me as someone outside of you, then this figure will occupy a bit of mental space. (Referring to a listener in the audience) There is him, he too will occupy a bit of mental space. (Pointing at the collage of posters designed on Acharya Ji’s quotes) One of these posters will occupy a bit of mental space. May be this colour appeals to you, this too will occupy some space. The brand of this equipment may be nice, that too will occupy some space. So, the divisions outside, will become the divisions inside.

Nothing outside of you should be allowed to occupy you within, because

