What is success of this moment?

Acharya Prashant
12 min readMay 16, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): What is meant by ‘Success of this moment’?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Rajat is asking, “What is meant by succeeding in this moment?” Why was the statement like “If you are not successful right now, then you are not successful at all.” Why was the statement like that made? What is meant by succeeding in this moment? What is it? What is this moment?

It’s a very simple and very obvious thing. This moment is the only reality, the only place where we are. In this everything is happening right now. Everything else is a complete imagination. The past is just images, memories. The future again is images, born out of past. Now I ask you, for you, the success is something real or imaginary? What kind of success do you want?

Listeners (L): Real.

AP: Can you have real success in an imaginary future? We said, “Only this moment is real, everything else is imagination.” It’s a simple statement, is the import totally clear to all of us? Only this moment is real. Only this moment is when life is. All else is just conceptual imagination. Is this much clear? Even as a concept, is this much clear? No? This is when you are alive. Everything else is just imaginary. Now, If you really do want success, Do you want…

