What is the right age for spirituality?
Is Krishna telling Arjun, “Arjun, you come to me after fifty years when you are about to die”? Is that so? Or Guru Vashishtha of ‘Yoga Vashishtha’ is telling Ram, “Ram you are too young to receive this revelation. Come to me when you are half-dead.”?
Spirituality of old age is merely repentance, it is not Spirituality.
And what are you repenting?
You are repenting — “How I wish this could have happened when I still had energy and time.”
When you are one hundred thirty two years old, would you be able to sit till midnight with me? I just said, “Work, work, work, and work very hard. Remain occupied with the right work constantly.” And if this teaching reaches you when you are hundred and two, of what use would be the teaching?
Then work is not even ‘work’ to you. It is (speaking like an old man) ‘waurk’.
This kind of work will happen then.
Do you want to receive the right directions after the journey is over and time is up?
But your enlightened majority wants you to first complete the journey, and then receive the directions.
Watch the full video here.
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