What is the secret of excellence?

Acharya Prashant
5 min readApr 13, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (diaogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: Sir, what is the secret of excellence?

Acharya Prashant: Excellence comes from enjoyment. Can you excel in something you do not enjoy? Can you really excel in something that you do not enjoy? Since childhood you are fed on a diet of statements like, “Hard work is the key to success.”

Now that is such a stupid thing to say, but it has been rolling on and on and on for generations. We were kids, we could not understand, so we accepted it. The kids are not to be faulted. But are we kids even today? Should we keep living on such flawed basis, on such flawed fundamentals? Essentially, what is it that you are afraid to accept?

You are afraid to accept that life can be joyful, that freedom is possible. That is what you are really afraid to accept, nothing else.

Were I to tell you that you know life is deprivation, and you must keep working and working, you would be too keen to accept it. You will say, ‘Yes this is the truth.’ But it is so hard for you to accept when I say, ‘No, life is bliss, life is freedom, life is love and life is not a torture.’ You will say, ‘No, this is not true. Life is a torture.’ You have been conditioned into believing this. This rubbish has been drilled down deep into your…

