When you are totally silent about God, then you are in God

Acharya Prashant
10 min readDec 4, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant (AP): The question is that how to stay at the center when there is so much that takes the mind away from the center. How do you know that you are away from the center? How do you know that?

Listener (L): By realizing sometimes…

AP: So it’s a thought?

L: Yes

AP: ‘You are at the center’- this is a thought and ‘you are not at the center’- this too is a thought. I will repeat this five times so that it goes as deeply into the mind as possible through the words. You say, “You are at the center, you claim that you are experiencing peace.” That is a thought. You say, “You are disturbed.” That too is a thought. Your affirmation has only as much value as your denial because the tool that you are using to either affirm or deny is not an appropriate tool.

You take a microscope and you use it to gaze at the skies and then you say that Saturn has twenty rings and then after a moment you say that no… Saturn has no rings. Does either of these statements have any value? You are using a microscope to look at the sky. Once you said that Saturn has twenty rings then upon another observation you said that no there are no rings at all. Do…

