Why does one distance himself from the Guru?

Acharya Prashant
6 min readOct 9, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: Pranam Acharya Ji! I somehow know that you are beyond what I, as a person, can know and experience. Not that I want to leave you or go somewhere else, however, why do I feel fear leaving Acharya Prashant as a person and his foundation? Why am I always dependent on something tangible or someone tangible who talks about the Truth? This dependence too does not seem right, and I feel I don’t have the courage to walk alone. I think I should give up all crutches and walk alone. Support is just dependence.

Acharya Prashant (AP): If you were intending to discard all support, it would have been a greatly welcome happening, but are you intending to discard all support? Or are you so attached to support of one kind that you want to give up on the other support? Man is born with crutches; man is born dependent. Man is born, attached, obsessed, and fearful.

The role of the teacher is to bring you close to himself so that you can be torn away from all that which you are attached to. The role of the teacher is to firstly bring you close to himself, that is step one. Why does he bring you close to himself? Because you are obsessed with closeness, you are born dependent; you need someone to be dependent on. If you are not dependent on the…

