Why is the world in such conflict?

Acharya Prashant
3 min readJun 9, 2020

There is nothing that one group, one community or one person experiences that the other has never experienced or is not experiencing even to the slightest degree. Fundamentally we are all one.

As human beings, we all perceive the world through our senses, we all operate through language, we all think and our basic tendencies are all the same.

The same urge to have security, the same urge to find love, the same repulsion from the feeling of termination, of disappearance, the same attachments and the same kinds of identifications. We’re all very much one and the oneness becomes more and more apparent as we go deeper into our psyche — the mind. As we go deeper into the mind, the similarities become very apparent.

You see you take one mother here in Netherlands and you take another mother somewhere in Africa, if you just superficially look at them, you will only see differences. You will see differences in name, you will see differences in physique, you will see differences in diet; you will see a lot of differences. Then you look at their relationship with their kids, here again superficially you will only see differences. The rituals will be different; the way they bring up their kids might appear initially different but the deeper you probe into the relationship you will find that more and more similarities are emerging.

