Why is there so much pain in love?
There may be pain in love, but is there any less pain in not loving?
And if pain is what you will have, then why resist pain?
A mass of resistance we are; a mass of prejudices, likes and dislikes — that’s what we are. That is what is called as the personality. If this grows, then obviously pain grows because if this grows, then you are dividing more, then you are rejecting more, then you are discriminating more, choosing more, then you are more in expectations.
If this grows, then obviously there is pain.
If this reduces, even then, there is pain.
If this reduces, then there is pain because this mass is what we are identified with. If this reduces, then we feel that we are reducing because we have given this mass the name of “I”, the name of “myself.” So if the ego enhances, there is suffering and if the ego reduces, even then there is suffering. The worldly man is perpetually in suffering. The saint too crosses over the entire ocean of suffering. Are you getting it?
So, there is definitely pain in love.
Love is the reduction of this mass. Love is when the ego moves towards The Truth and hence reduces, dissolves. Pain will be felt but you could have complained had pain not been felt in any other situation; given the human situation…