With superficial understanding you can answer only superficial issues

Acharya Prashant
2 min readMay 28, 2020

Beneath the misleading simplicity of the so-called daily life, lie the unsolved problems and unanswered questions.

Most people do not even face those problems because those problems lie deep down in the psyche.

On the surface are only trivial issues, and even with superficial understanding you can answer those superficial issues.

But if you really want to test yourself, then go deep into your psyche and the collective psyche of mankind, and see what real issues lie hidden there.

Face them, try answering them.

I would be glad if you can answer them, I would be equally glad if you cannot answer them.

Because if you cannot answer them, you will discover that a lot more needs to be learned.

And that would be helpful.

The genuine student looks for the tougher and the toughest questions because he wants to ensure that his understanding is complete.

If he has solved all the problems from one book, then he actively looks around for another unexplored book which has more difficult problems. And he wants to try newer kind of problems, more difficult problems.

