With Youth: A passionate life

Acharya Prashant
5 min readJan 4, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): How do I explore my passion?

Acharya Prashant (AP): I am sure this question is relevant to many others if not everybody. First of all, this question has to be asked on a clean slate. Those of us who have already believed some external passion to be the real passion, are not eligible to ask this question. Are you getting this? When you ask this question you are standing at a point where you do not know your real passion. Right? You are confused. You have come to know that whatever is known to you can be doubted. What to do with those who live in a deep belief that they already know their passion or a belief that knowing that passion is not important at all?

If today you are given a question that mentions your hobbies, interest, or passion. I am using all these three in the same way right now, but they are not. If you were given this question to mention all these three things, all of you will give some answer without realizing the falseness of that passion, without realizing that this passion has nothing to do with me. Even my passions have been handed over to me by somebody else.

Look at the CVs of your seniors, those who are in the fourth year. They all have a section in their CVs named ‘Hobbies and Interests’. What do…

