With youth: Let life be a spontaneous unplanned flow

Acharya Prashant
5 min readNov 10, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Sir, as I am asking a question to you, I am not thinking, I am directly asking the question. This means that, I have will power. This is confidence. Suppose there is a situation where we need to manage our time for the day and we have to plan our schedule where we can manage our time for certain activities and academics.

When I make a certain schedule, that I will do this at certain point of time, I am not able to stick to the timetable and then the time-table goes into the dustbin. Why does this happen? Why I donot have willpower to follow the plan?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Let it go into the dustbin. You know that I thought that I will write, I wanted to write something, let us say poem, a short story. I will planned that I will write for two hours in the morning and then I will go for shopping. I will then come back, meet a friend and then I will study for two hours. I have planned my day this way. Right?

I have planned my day out. Now as I sit down to write in the morning something happens. I am so absorbed in writing that I don’t even come to know when the evening has arrived. A wonderful thing has happened, let the planning go to the dustbin. Forget the plan. Why do you need a…

