With youth: Live life in your own Light

Acharya Prashant
5 min readJan 6, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): In the last HIDP we had a session on EGO. What I understood from the session is, ‘I am living in this society and this society is shaping my mind and also shaping my attitude. I come to know only from the society that I have this thing good in me and this bad’. There were questions written in that activity in which the last one was, ‘How will I come to know good things in me if I am not taking society's views on me?’ Sir, what will be the answer to this question?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Manas! It’s a very, very relevant question. He says that going by social standards makes something easy for me. Society has clearly told me what is right and what is wrong. Society clearly lays down a code of conduct and tells me that this is ethical, this is not, this is appropriate, and this is not. So it becomes easy for me to distinguish between right and wrong. He asks that if I put these standards away which society has given me, then how will I come to know whether I am doing the right thing? This question has been repeatedly asked from me in various ways.

Whenever there is a question of independence and intelligence someone surely asks, ‘Sir! If I act in my intelligence, how will I come to know whether this is right? Presently there are

