With youth: Our object-centric education forgets the real subject- You

Acharya Prashant
4 min readDec 2, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Sir, why should we study HIDP (Holistic Individual Development Program)?

Acharya Prashant (AP): This probably is a question that should cross the minds of educationists, parents, and the authorities in schools and colleges at a very early stage. At a very, very early stage!

(Addressing the questioner) Arvind, what is it that we have studied in our education so far? What is it that we have studied? You have studied the languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social science. Later on, you studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and now technology or economics or commerce.

But tell me, are you the English alphabet? Are you the rivers and mountains that you studied in Geography? Are you the kings and the battles that you read about in History? Are you the molecules or the polymers that you read in Chemistry?

Listeners (L): No, Sir.

AP: You are not. You are not any of that. You are not Doppler’s effect, you are not a complex number. All of these are objects outside of you. Are you getting it? All of these are objects outside of you. You are not them. You are something other than these objects.

