With youth: What makes me dissatisfied?

Acharya Prashant
3 min readDec 22, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): How to get satisfaction?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Is there anybody here who can say that he or she was listening with complete intent, complete immersion, even for say five or six seconds? In those moments, when you were listening, just listening, were you feeling dissatisfied? Did the thought of dissatisfaction come to you? Just listening, deeply listening, was there any dissatisfaction? In those moments of listening, was there a thought at all?

Listener 1 (L1): Yes, Sir.

AP: Ah! If you are thinking, could you be really listening? If there is a thought going on parallely, then how is listening possible? Is there someone who could say that he was listening, just listening?

L2: Yes, Sir.

AP: Was there any thought?

L2: No, Sir.

AP: That’s the law of the mind. If you are still with your thoughts, then you are with your thoughts, you are not with me. If you are still with your thoughts while listening, then you are with your thoughts, then you are physically here but you are not here.

This dissatisfaction that you are talking of is a thought. It is a thought that comes to you when…

