You appear by the will of existence, so just abide by the will of existence

Acharya Prashant
7 min readFeb 18, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: It is said, “You have what you need utmost”, so why do we try to ignore some situations?

Acharya Prashant (AP): You are sprouting forth from existence. You are the existence’s will. You are the desire of the existence to express itself. You have done nothing in your expression, right? That you are there. That ‘you are there’, is not at all your doing. Existence has decided that you ought to be there, and a shape, a form will be there. Right? Existence is the doer and let existence be the doer. If existence is doing you, if existence is doing you, let existence itself provide for what you need. Because You are not ‘you’. Who are You? You are then existence, right?

You are the work of existence. Existence is bringing you forth. If existence is bringing you forth, if actually you have no being apart from existence, then let existence provide for you, why do you bother so much? If you can spring up from nothing, if you can rise from the soil, let the soil provide for you. It was the soil’s decision that you will come forth from it, let the soil carry forward its decision.

See, the soil, the Sun, the wind, the water, they all come together to give…

