You are unnecessarily sad

Acharya Prashant
5 min readDec 28, 2021

The following excerpt is from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner (Q): Whenever you’re looking for spirituality, you tend to leave some things and you tend to walk towards some things. And in doing that, you are obviously, creating some disturbance in the ecosphere that you are leaving behind. So, how do you justify this?

Acharya Prashant (AP): You see, what is it that you want — a superficial peace, or real welfare?

If I really am in love with myself and hence, in love with you, would I want you to live in a superficial peace or would I want your real welfare?

What you are calling a disturbance in that which you leave behind, is just a superficial disturbance, yes? And that disturbance is not of your creation. Unstable systems are prone to be disturbed. They have no equilibrium. What have you done? Why do you hold yourself responsible for all that?

And this question that you are asking is behind so much human misery.

“I know what the right thing is, but if I do this, my wife will feel bad, so I am not doing this.”

That’s what this question amounts to, right?

“I know that I am not in the right job, but if I leave my job, then my project will suffer, or my boss will feel bad. So I am not leaving…

