You thought your cruel orgy would continue unchecked?

Acharya Prashant
6 min readMar 27, 2020

When we look at the way man relates to nature, then one cannot miss the fact that we are super violent and ultra-exploitative.

But that kind of violence, that kind of inner hatred towards existence itself, that kind of discontentment with very life is not limited to the way man treats biological systems or rivers or mountains or animals or birds or fish. It shows up in every aspect of our life. We are not what we must be. It shows up in our education, it shows up in our politics, it shows up in our relationships, it shows up in our economy. It is there, everywhere.

Whatsoever man touches, whatsoever man creates, whatsoever bears any kind of imprint of man is obviously coming from man’s center. When I say center, I mean man’s identity; what does man think of himself, what does man take himself to be, what are you acting as.

Because we act from the wrong center, therefore everything that we do is actually messed up.

Among all those things that are messed up is this one thing called man’s relationship with flora and fauna and animals and such things. The Coronavirus is coming from there. What’s worse, there might be much more lethal and incurable viruses to come in the future.

We talk of the virus as the problem. In fact, if you go to social media to get…

